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Submitted by JP on Fri, 12/04/2020 - 12:28
Orbán: we insist on the separation of EU economic and political issues

Hungary insists that the economic issue of the EU budget and the recovery fund must be separated from the rule of law regulation that has led to political debates – said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Kossuth Radio.

– Most European Union Member States believe that the coronavirus emergency fund, the EU budget and the rule of law debate must be dealt with at the same time. Hungary, however does not agree with this, and the Hungarian Government stands by the separation of these issues –  Viktor Orbán said in his interview on Kossuth Rádió.

In his Friday morning interview, Hungarian Prime Minister said also that with the joint declaration last week, Poland committed itself to not submitting to any compromise that is unacceptable to Hungary on linking the rule of law to the EU budget. 

Listen to: Interview with the Prime Minister (Good morning, Hungary! - December 4)

(jap, photo credit: printscreen/