Krasiczyn Summer University 2023

The 6th summer university of the Waclaw Felczak Institute in Krasiczyn Castle in southern Poland, started on Monday evening with the participation of about two hundred students from Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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This year's edition of the five-day program in Krasiczyn that started on Monday evening is the direct continuation of the 1st Visegrad Summer Academy in Budapest organized last week by Waclaw Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute in Warsaw and the National University of Public Service in Budapest.

Participants of this year's edition of the Summer University were welcomed by the video message from President of Hungary, Katalin Novák. Photo by

On Tuesday, participants of the Summer University in Krasiczyn were greeted via a video recording by the President of Hungary, Katalin Novák. The head of the Hungarian state emphasized the strength of historical cooperation within the Visegrád Group (V4) and drew attention to the fact that the Visegrád Group is today an economic engine in Europe.

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Minister of Infrastructure, Andrzej Adamczyk, also addressed young Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, and Slovaks in a specially prepared letter on this occasion. The representative of the Polish government emphasized the importance of the Visegrád Group (V4) countries understanding their common goals and safeguarding shared interests within the European Union. Minister Adamczyk also highlighted that Central Europe would not be able to develop at such a pace without cooperation within the Visegrád Group and joint efforts to pursue the interests of V4 countries. The Polish government representative also pointed out that the continuation of cooperation in the region during a time when a war is ongoing on the eastern borders of the European Union and the Visegrád Group is a "great challenge."

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The series of panels kicked off on Tuesday with discussions under the themes of "The Condition of Central Europe – Phenomenon or Challenge" and "Economic Cooperation of Regional Countries – Success of Central Europe." In the evening, Arkadiusz Adamczyk, a member of the Felczak Institute Council, and Csaba Faragó, the Director of Foreign Affairs, discussed Polish-Hungarian relations in light of statistical data, based on public opinion research conducted in Poland and Hungary by CBOS and the Századvég Foundation.


In the extremely rich program of the Summer University, organizers from the Felczak Institute have traditionally included not only discussions and lectures but also a series of workshops, visits to Przemyśl Fortress, lessons in the Polish national dance (polonez) and Hungarian folk dances, a party with a DJ, sports competitions, and even a visit to the Arboretum in Bolestraszyce, as well as a kayaking trip.

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Participants will learn not only how to become a journalist or film director but also how to manage stress, communicate with clients, and understand the principles of creating corporate logos. The rules of etiquette will be covered, and the basics of diplomatic protocol will be introduced by Sebastian Kęciek, the Ambassador of Poland in Budapest. He, along with the Hungarian Ambassador in Warsaw, Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács, will also discuss navigating the world of diplomacy.

On Thursday, a discussion titled "What Central Europe Gave to the World?" will feature Marek Kuchciński, the Head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery, as well as MP and Chairman of the Felczak Institute Council, Piotr Babinetz, and Marcin Szewczak, a member of the Institute's Council and lecturer at KUL. The panel will be moderated by the Director of the Felczak Institute, Prof. Maciej Szymanowski. On the same day, there will also be a debate on "When Will Robots Replace Us?"
