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Submitted by Marcin Bąk on Tue, 01/21/2020 - 08:10
Increase - Multiplication


In the 19th and 20th century, power over Europe, meant power over the world. In recent years, the pivotal point, has shifted towards the Far East, and world politics, is slowly becoming dominated by the rivalry between The United States and China. This does not mean, that the old continent has ceased to matter. It is still the region where countries remain at the forefront, regarding their economic and military potential. Europe, in spite of going through a serious crisis of identity, still remains the place of birth of the most dynamic of all human civilisations. The Latin civilisation.

The place of great importance for our continent, is Central Europe. A region extremely diverse in culture, language and religion, with an interesting and complicated history. It is here, where the important communication routs cross from the east, to the west and from the south to the north of the continent. The nations inhabiting this region are, in majority, part of the so called New Union, and were previously part of the communist block.

Last year, as a result of the cooperation between the Polish Clubs of “Gazeta Polska”, and the Hungarian Civil Cooperation Furum ( Civil Összefogás Közhasznú Alapítvány), a book has been published, under a meaningful title – Increase - Multiplication. It is a collection of texts, by Polish and Hungarian authors, regarding the topic of national identity, civic attitude, relations between the nations of Central Europe and the E.U. institutions, and much more. The titles themselves, already tell a lot about what the reader is bound to find, during the read: „The Collision of the Rules of National Independence, with the European Union’s Institutions.”, Some Notes on National Identity, in the Context of the Lotus Ship Affair.”

The reader of the texts contained in „Increase - Multiplication”, will have the opportunity to encounter a new branch of knowledge – civilitics. What is civilitics? László Csizmadia writes in the foreword:

„Civilitics, may become a branch of science, supportive to politics, serving the public benefit. Civilitics searches for answers, to the most important questions of the citizens. The base for this emerging branch of science is independence.”

The situation in the European Union, changes dynamically. The vision of the three Christian Democrat „founding fathers”, has long been forsaken. In place of the „Europe of Homelands”, which Charles de Gaulle still spoke about, there slowly emerges a federal state, built without social consent, and incompatible with the treaties. It is dominated by a bureaucratic oligarchy, which has no democratic legitimisation for its activities.

From the foreword by Tomasz Stankiewicz: „The decisions of the European elites, do not defend specific values, since even the basic ones like freedom, the right to life, or democracy, are boldly negated by them. The European values are there rather to serve the E.U., as an institution, which destroys all others, if they stand in the way of its growth and domination.”

The engraving by Albrecht Durer called „Saint George”, chosen for the cover artwork, reminds us about the Christian legacy of our continent, and the necessity to struggle against falsehood, symbolised by the dragon.


Increase - Multiplication Civil Összefogás Közhasznú Alapítvány  2019